The show...

The show is...a mix of emotions, gags, and other techniques...begins in silence... then a scream, a fright...the music and the dances is my face and my gestures that express all that has to be said...words are not necessary.

The show is...a mix of emotions, gags, and other techniques...begins in silence... then a scream, a fright...the music and the dances is my face and my gestures that express all that has to be said...words are not necessary.

I am not a mime who climbs up imaginary walls or walks against the wind, but I find that "words" don't leave enough space for imagination, so I will not abuse of them...and I also think that the audience doesn't need or want everything to be explained. People guess, imagine and invent...and I never liked vulgar comedy.

Acrobatics, juggling, pantomime, jumps, screams, fire and above all a lot of improvisation...

I have already said a lot about me on the first page, and the show reflects what is my personality and my way of to go on?

Would be interesting if someone from the audience will describe more in details the I invite you Spectators to send me Your opinion...I would be pleased...even if it will be negative ... but do not overdo it eh!

And if any event organizer, manager or similar would have a few questions... please...go to the "Contacts" section and simply do contact me.